3 Reasons Why You Have to Run A Business

Fenni Bungsu (Business) -- Hi friends, you surely know that at our young age we must use time with positive activities, for example by opening business opportunities. Because in the digital era like now, it can be said that there are many young people or millennial generation who have run their businesses, for example in the culinary, fashion, and many more. Nevertheless, starting run a business isn’t an easy thing. You need to be brave to start your business immediately. But, beside that decision, you will get a lot of benefit from your business. Because, these reasons will help you to be a succesfull businessman. 

You can afford the risk

A risk you take today is a risk you can recover from. Given time, you can overcome almost any setback, stumble, or failure -- and emerge stronger and smarter and better prepared to succeed in the future. If you never try, all you'll be is regretful: When you're old and gray and "done," you'll look back on your life and think, "I wonder what might have happened if I had only ... " That's one risk you should never take.

You don't have to wait for perfection

Plenty of people never pull the startup trigger because they're stuck in an endless loop of "refinement." But "striving for perfection" isn't really the issue. Instead, they're insecure. Or they fear criticism or rejection. Or they're even afraid they'll succeed. Don't be like them. Do your best, and then step back. If a little more work will result in a markedly better outcome, go for it. If a little more work will not make a difference anyone but you will notice, let it go. Then you make improvements based on the feedback you get from the only people whose opinions really matter: your customers.

Your success isn't assured

Read stories of successful entrepreneurs and it's easy to think they have some intangible entrepreneurial something -- ideas, talent, drive, skills, creativity -- that you don't. Nope. Their success was only inevitable in hindsight. Success is never assured. No successful entrepreneur knew, without a doubt, they would succeed. Does that scare you off? It shouldn't. In fact, not knowing is liberating. It's empowering. Every entrepreneur at some point looked in the mirror and said, "Lots of other people succeed ... and so will I." Entrepreneurs believe in themselves. You should too -- especially if you're willing to work hard and persevere.

From these three points, it is time for you to take steps for the future such as by running a business. Because starting a business is not waiting for you to get rich first, but the business can start through insight and science. Therefore, if you want to be a succesful businessman, you have to learn business skill from the best. Business bachelor degreein UK can be the best option to learn business. Or, you can try join best management University in Singapore to improve your skill in business. So are you ready to start running a business?

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Aminnatul Widyana mengatakan…
Sorry mom, can you explain what the meaning of this text in Indonesian? Aq gak begitu paham English 😅😅
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Indri mengatakan…
Untuk memasuki dunia bisnis memang tidak mudah perlu dibekali banyak ilmu dan memilih universitas terbaik yang concern terhadap bisnis
Komen Blog fennibungsu.com
Indri mengatakan…
Untuk memasuki dunia bisnis memang tidak mudah perlu dibekali banyak ilmu dan memilih universitas terbaik yang concern terhadap bisnis
Komen Blog fennibungsu.com
Nia K. Haryanto mengatakan…
Aku nih kepengen bisnis gak jalan aja. Terlalu takut sama risiko. Iya, kebanyak mikir dan takut ini itu. Pdahal sih, yang lain juga dulu gitu ya. Maju aja walopn penuh risiko. Asal tekad kuat dan berusaha maksimal, pasti selalu ada jalan untuk sukses.
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Okti Li mengatakan…
Manusia yang punya banyak kebutuhan jelas harus bekerja untuk memiliki penghasilan. Intinya sih gitu kan ya? Nah usaha apapun itu, termasuk bisnis yang pasti yang sesuai dengan hukum. Tidak menentang kebijakan dan aturan.
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Gioveny Astaning Permana mengatakan…
I don't know what kind of business that will be "fit" to me and can give me more advantageous. So that, right now i never want to build a business, even it's small..
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Ade UFi mengatakan…
I love doing business, but sometimes the problem is that my mood is unstable. that makes my business inconsistent. so, it seems that I have to learn more about a stable business.
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Diah Agustina mengatakan…
Keren mba, artikel menggunakan bahasa Inggris..
Apa dayaku yang minim dengan kosakata jadi bisa cuma baca aja
. Hehehe
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Keke Naima mengatakan…
Butuh keberanian mengambil risiko. Termasuk belajar untuk bangkit bila sampai jatuh. Memang harus persiapan mental. Ini yang lagi pengen saya bangun
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Fenni Bungsu
Hi, #SemangatCiee jumpa dengan daku Fenni - si Milenial yang suka menulis tentang hal yang bermanfaat. Untuk bekerjasama bisa melalui email ke: fenni(dot)bungsu(at)gmail(dot)com ��Terima kasih��
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